Angel window
Chaetodon kleinii.
uw687_29 Angel window - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Crowd of kleins butterflyfishes
Chaetodon kleinii.
uw687_30 Angel window - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Coral setting with crinoids and surgeonfishes
Oxycomantus benetti and Naso exacanthus
uw687_36 Angel window - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Chromodoris hintuanensis
uw688_01 Kambahu crack - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
White frogfish and pink squat lobster
Antennarius maculatus & Laureia siagiani
uw684_16 Hair ball - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
White frogfish, sweepers, crinoid and pink squat lobster
Antennarius maculatus, Parapriacanthus ransonneti,
uw684_18 Hair ball - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
White frogfish, lionfish, crinoid and pink squat lobster
Antennarius maculatus, Pterois volitans, Comanthus
uw684_23 Hair ball - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Porcelain crab on anemone with clownfishes
Dascyllus trimaculatus on stichodactyla haddoni wi
uw684_26 Hair ball - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
White scorpionfish
Scorpaenopsis macrochir
uw684_27 Hair ball - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Black damsels
Neopetrolisthes maculata
uw684_35 Hair ball - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Banded shrimp close-up
Stenopus hispidus
uw685_03 Air Prang - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Red shrimp close-up
Metapenaeopsis sp. 2
uw685_08 Air Prang - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Glossodoris averni
Orange nudibranch
uw685_11 Air Prang - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Phyllodesmium briareus
uw685_20 Air Prang - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Tambja morosa ?
Nudibranch - Black and green
uw678_15 Nudi falls - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Phyllodesmium longicirrum
uw678_23 Nudi falls - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Risbecia tryoni & Chromodoris willani
Couple of nudibranches
uw678_30 Nudi falls - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Hypselodoris maculosa ?
Couple of nudibranches
uw681_07 Nudi retreat - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Flamboyant cuttlefish
Metasepia pfefferi
uw682_03 Pantai parigi - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Thecacera spp.
uw683_16 Pantai parigi - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Thecacera spp.
Nudibranch (juvenile)
uw683_18 Pantai parigi - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Emperor shrimp
Periclimenes imperator
uw683_29 Hair ball - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
White frogfish
Antennarius maculatus
uw683_e Hair ball - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Porcelain crab in purple anemone
Dascyllus trimaculatus in Heteractis magnifica, wi
uw684_04 Hair ball - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Clownfishes, banggai cardinal fishes and photographer
Pterapogon kauderni
uw820_31 Police Pier - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Bitung warung family
ld677_06 Bitung harbour - Indonesia
Chicken and blue bucket
ld677_12 Bitung - Indonesia
Tambja morosa ?
Nudibranch - Black and blue
uw678_13 Nudi falls - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Red prawn
Metapenaeopsis sp. 2
uw614_36 Kambahu - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Mandarin fish
Synchiropus splendidus
uw615_32 Kambahu - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Phyllodesmium briareus
uw616_34a Hair Ball II - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Orange frogfish
Antennarius maculatus ? - 15 cm
uw617_02 Hair Ball II - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Orange frogfish close-up
Antennarius maculatus ? - 15 cm
uw617_22 Hair Ball II - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Orange frogfish walking
Antennarius maculatus ? - 15 cm
uw617_27 Hair Ball II - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia
Purple frogfish
Antennarius maculatus ? - 8 cm
uw617_34 Hair Ball II - Lembeh Strait - North Sulawesi - Indonesia